Welcome Back!


Welcome back to the start of another new school year!

 As classes resume in person, we look forward to facilitating you settling into a stable school routine. Let’s be honest - it’s been a tough year and a half and we understand that there may be mixed feelings about returning to school with the currently uncertain situation. Though restrictions and rules may be changing by the day, we want to assure you that we are here as a consistent support system throughout the school year.

 Whether the kids in your community are excited to be back in the classroom or not, the pandemic has taken a serious toll on students and parents alike. Never has stress of the unknown been more present and it’s impacting the classroom and home environment. 

At Study Buddy, we remain excited for the upcoming year and maintain our dedication to maximizing every student’s potential during an undeniably difficult time. Here are just a few tips from us to get you started on this journey to creating a smooth re-entry into the school year.


Communicate positively and effectively

 In order to help your kids adapt to the unpredictability surrounding the upcoming school year, it is important to have open and honest conversation and validate your child’s concerns and feelings. How the pandemic is talked about can have a huge impact on your child’s fear and anxiety at this integral stage in their life. Remind your kids that you are doing everything you can to keep your family healthy and safe and ask them what they need to feel safe, too.


Focus on the things that are within your control

It's easy for students, and even parents, to get caught up in vulnerable situations constantly worrying about the things we have no control over. Instead, identify the things that can be controlled throughout the year, especially as the pandemic news develops. For example, let your child decide what they want to eat at lunch, what activity they’d like to do on the weekend or how they organize their school supplies. It can be tempting to do everything for them, but allowing them to make choices will instill a sense of control in them.


Staying organized with schoolwork

Following the concept of taking control of what we can, we want to emphasize the importance of staying on top of tests and assignments. Keeping an organized planner of upcoming dates for assignments, activities, exams, and so on will greatly reduce stress in the long term. It teaches students how to manage their time appropriately, prioritize activities, and set and achieve goals.

We empathize with the difficulty that may be going back to school and want to provide the support that students need at this time. With Study Buddy now offering certified coaching for students, we want to be there each step of the way. Whether to help students excel academically or outside of the classroom, contact us now for more information to access services today!


Our Top 9 Back-to-School Essentials