Resilience Tip #2: Engage in a Hobby

Many extracurricular activities had been cancelled for quite some time and this has had an impact on teens and their ability to step out of the classroom and have fun with peers. Hobbies took a backseat, and the focus was almost entirely on remote learning. But with increased stress and anxiety from everything going on, one of the best ways to relieve it is indeed by engaging in activities you love that absorb your attention. This is called the “flow” state and it’s associated with a natural form of joy. Try doing something again you have been passionate about for a while or a take up a new hobby to get into this zone more frequently.

The possibilities are endless!

Pandemic tip: Not feeling comfortable enrolling in team sports or going to a class in person? Try signing up for an online class: you can paint, bake, take up a new instrument or even learn a language on Duolingo to prepare for your next trip abroad.


5 Back-to-School Organization Hacks


Resilience Tip #1: Build a Strong Support System